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Swift And Striking Strippy Chevrons


Want more space in your sewing room?

Challenge yourself to create art from chaos with ScrapStashtic Deluxe Teachable Moments Patterns!

The Striking Strippy Chevrons gives you a fast way to sew away the surplus scraps that are choking your sewing studio while building your technical skills as a quilter. With bonus tutorials such as “How Your Seams Affect You Precision,” Easing, Scratch Borders and long arming tips for scrap quilts, you will become a faster, more versatile quilter as you sew your way to an efficient and organized studio!

If you enjoyed ScrapStashtic Quilts: Organizing Your Scrap Fabric Stash and ACTUALLY USING IT and books by Kim Brackett, Evelyn Sloppy, and Joan Ford, you will love this pattern!

Sew away your chaos with the Double On-Point Scrap Cabin today!

Fabric needs:

Scrap Strips: Random-width strips

between 1 1⁄4” and 2 1⁄2” wide by

any length

Focus Fabric: 3 yards

Middle Border: 1 1⁄2 yard on straight

grain OR 1⁄2 yard on the cross


Inner Border: 1 3⁄4 yard on straight

grain OR 1 1⁄4 on the cross grain

Outer border 1 3⁄4 yard on straight

grain OR 1 1⁄4 on the cross grain

Scratch Borders (optional): 3⁄4 yard

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Copyright@2025 | Janellea Macbeth Scrapstashtic Quilts